Crisis Response
Responding to immediate crisis and, whenever possible, attempting to remediate and solve the crisis.
Emergency Assistance and Food Pantry
Over 2,400 families annually are assisted with prescription co-pays, clothing, utility payments, household storage, and more. Our downtown food pantry serves over 400 families every month.
Do you need help? Please visit or call us to find out more.
Location: 262 E. Onondaga St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Contact: 315-475-3807
Please be prepared to leave a message. Someone will call you back as soon as possible.
Men’s Shelter – Housing Services Center
Our new Men’s Shelter, located within the Housing Services Center, can host up to 80 men in need of temporary shelter. Case management services are available to help individuals find and keep stable housing.
Location: 1801 Erie Boulevard E., Syracuse, NY 13210
Information and referrals: 315-530-1946
Intake Center
Location: 262 E. Onondaga St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Contact: 315-530-1946
Relocation Assistance
We offer support for families and individuals who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless in the city of Syracuse. The agency works with a range of community supporters and other organizations to help people find stable housing.
Location: 262 E. Onondaga St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Information and referrals: 315-378-4054
Supportive Services for Veteran Families
This program helps find stable housing for low-income veteran families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Location: 262 E. Onondaga St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Information and referrals:315-558-4387 or email
Click here for more information about SSVF and to apply for assistance.
More community resources can be found at 211 CNY or dial 2-1-1. They are available to assist 24/7.

Your support has a great impact.
Our success is made possible by the involvement of our supporters. Please consider contributing and joining us in our efforts to reduce poverty in our community. You have our gratitude and appreciation.