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You can help one of our programs thrive with a couple clicks! Visit the WellCare Champions site to vote for Sharon Connor to be the WellCare Champion of 2019.
Sharon Connor is the sort of volunteer nonprofits dream about. She’s energetic, dependable and dedicated. She’s also receiving recognition!
Sharon (in blue to the right) is a volunteer with our Strong Bones program, and this summer, she’s been nominated as a WellCare Grand Champion! The competition recognizes “the exceptional achievements of people in Central & Western New York.” Five Champions are chosen each year, and the public choses their favorite via an online vote. The winner receives $10,000 to donate to the program of their choice. If she wins, Sharon has pledged to donate her winnings to the RSVP Strong Bones program.
For nine years, Sharon has been helping seniors stay fit through Strong Bones. Strong Bones is an evidence-based program that offers non-aerobic, low impact strength training for men and women over 50 who want to increase strength, energy and balance. The training improves bone density, dexterity and balance and reduces the signs and symptoms of arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, obesity and back pain. As a Master Trainer certified by Tufts University, Sharon leads classes of 10-25 participants in exercise sequences specifically designed to meet the needs of seniors.
Over 10 years, the program has served over 1,000 seniors in Central New York. That means there are 1,000 seniors in our community who are more independent and less likely to suffer from a fall and injuries. Strong Bones classes have a wide reach, taking place twice weekly in Mattydale, Fayetteville, Otisco, Cicero and Lysander.
Strong Bones is managed by RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) of Onondaga County. RSVP matches adults over 55 with volunteer opportunities in their community. That makes Strong Bones a volunteer program run by a volunteer program, which means funds are limited! Expenses include facility rental, purchase of equipment such as hand weights, and travel reimbursement for instructors. Securing the donation through WellCare would make it possible for the program to establish more sites and reach more seniors.
Sharon and volunteers like her are a huge help to us every day. You can help out, too, by simply voting for here! (insert link) We congratulate all of the WellCare Champion nominees who are doing incredible work in our community.
Note: Voters can vote one time every day on all of their devices between July 29th and August 21st, so be sure to vote throughout the competition!
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
You can show Sharon, Strong Bones and Catholic Charities your support by attending the Mets game on August 1st! Before the game, Sharon and her fellow nominees will be honored on the field. Staff members and friends and family of nominees can purchase discounted tickets here:
Posted by Bridget Dunn, Communications Manager